Future-Proof Your Business - Employ the Untapped Potential of Immigrant Workers

Future-Proof Your Business - Employ the Untapped Potential of Immigrant Workers

The Invisible Crisis Destroying Your Profit Margins!

The Invisible Crisis Destroying Your Profit Margins!

8,800 Less Construction Jobs in 7 Months!

8,800 Less Construction Jobs in 7 Months!

A hidden profit opportunity hiding in plain sight

A hidden profit opportunity hiding in plain sight

How the skilled worker shortage can boost your business

How the skilled worker shortage can boost your business

1,000,000 Gig Workers

1,000,000 Gig Workers

Is Your Business Ready? More Workers Plan to Exit for Better Opportunities

Is Your Business Ready? More Workers Plan to Exit for Better Opportunities

A Proven Strategy for Skilled Labour Growth

A Proven Strategy for Skilled Labour Growth

How to Grow Your Construction Business in a Shrinking Market

How to Grow Your Construction Business in a Shrinking Market

How to Master Wage Strategies in Construction for Small Business Success

How to Master Wage Strategies in Construction for Small Business Success

Easy Growth Hiring Hack for 2024

Easy Growth Hiring Hack for 2024

Create Opportunities: How Your Business Can Shape the Future of Employment and Tackle Poverty

Create Opportunities: How Your Business Can Shape the Future of Employment and Tackle Poverty

Boost Your Business Now: Discover the Power of Flexible Staffing in Today's Dynamic Job Market

Boost Your Business Now: Discover the Power of Flexible Staffing in Today's Dynamic Job Market

There were 497,000 vacant positions requiring a high school diploma or less in the fourth quarter last year

There were 497,000 vacant positions requiring a high school diploma or less in the fourth quarter last year

Hiring based on skills is five times more predictive of job performance than hiring based on education and...

Hiring based on skills is five times more predictive of job performance than hiring based on education and...

What is skills-first hiring?

What is skills-first hiring?

Owners are working 8 days a week because of labour shortages

Owners are working 8 days a week because of labour shortages

Skills-first hiring isn’t just a buzzword or a passing trend

Skills-first hiring isn’t just a buzzword or a passing trend

Canada’s jobs market refuses to cool

Canada’s jobs market refuses to cool

Hire for what someone can do, versus what they have already done

Hire for what someone can do, versus what they have already done

Why do people leave their jobs in Canada?

Why do people leave their jobs in Canada?

Job Vacancies In Canada Were Unchanged In December

Job Vacancies In Canada Were Unchanged In December

...skills-based hiring has gained momentum as an alternative hiring strategy

...skills-based hiring has gained momentum as an alternative hiring strategy

There’s just not as many people to fill in the shoes of the people that are leaving

There’s just not as many people to fill in the shoes of the people that are leaving

Number Of Canadians On Employment Insurance At 25-Year Low

Number Of Canadians On Employment Insurance At 25-Year Low

Offer “micro-internships” (short-term paid projects) or apprenticeships that reach new candidates...

Offer “micro-internships” (short-term paid projects) or apprenticeships that reach new candidates...

40 Ideas to Shake Up Your Hiring Process

40 Ideas to Shake Up Your Hiring Process

Canada gets first glimpse of gig worker

Canada gets first glimpse of gig worker

In the final month of last year, employment rose by 104,000

In the final month of last year, employment rose by 104,000

You’re seeing more people (turning) to gig jobs in order to increase their flexibility

You’re seeing more people (turning) to gig jobs in order to increase their flexibility

It was an absolutely massive surprise

It was an absolutely massive surprise

Number of people working in Canada’s construction industry fell by 25,000 in November

Number of people working in Canada’s construction industry fell by 25,000 in November

80 per cent of Canadian employers are dealing with labour shortages..

80 per cent of Canadian employers are dealing with labour shortages..

Employers are open to experimenting with their hiring practices and strategies with newer solutions...

Employers are open to experimenting with their hiring practices and strategies with newer solutions...

1 in 3 Canadian businesses report they are currently facing a shortage of labour

1 in 3 Canadian businesses report they are currently facing a shortage of labour

Having the right technology to attract, engage, hire and advance talent will be crucial in supporting the efforts of talent teams

Having the right technology to attract, engage, hire and advance talent will be crucial in supporting the efforts of talent teams

A candidate with a strong resume that isn’t necessarily a fit for the role

A candidate with a strong resume that isn’t necessarily a fit for the role

November 2022 saw employment across the country grow by 10,000 jobs

November 2022 saw employment across the country grow by 10,000 jobs

40% of employees who receive inadequate training will leave a company within a year of hire

40% of employees who receive inadequate training will leave a company within a year of hire

The number of vacancies (September) in...the construction industry saw a gain of 14.0 per cent to 93,900

The number of vacancies (September) in...the construction industry saw a gain of 14.0 per cent to 93,900

We are in excess demand, where the economy’s need for labour is outpacing its ability to supply it

We are in excess demand, where the economy’s need for labour is outpacing its ability to supply it

...applied for 600 positions, out of which she got 20 interview calls, but wasn’t given a single job offer.

...applied for 600 positions, out of which she got 20 interview calls, but wasn’t given a single job offer.

“We are using all of the tools at our disposal to tackle labour shortages, particularly in key sectors like health care, construction, and transportation,”

“We are using all of the tools at our disposal to tackle labour shortages, particularly in key sectors like health care, construction, and transportation,”

The pandemic gave people time to re-evaluate what they want from their lives and careers, and for many, the development of new knowledge and skills has become a priority.

The pandemic gave people time to re-evaluate what they want from their lives and careers, and for many, the development of new knowledge and skills has become a priority.

The construction labor shortage is a global crisis.

The construction labor shortage is a global crisis.

the number of employed people who weren’t at work because of issues relating to childcare hit an all-time high of 104,000

...hiring times have risen across all industries, with averages ranging from 33 to 49 days

...hiring times have risen across all industries, with averages ranging from 33 to 49 days

...some workers are out of the labor force right now but actually do want a job

...some workers are out of the labor force right now but actually do want a job

Candidates aren’t spending hours doing research on where to apply for jobs. They are jumping on the ones that are in front of them...

Candidates aren’t spending hours doing research on where to apply for jobs. They are jumping on the ones that are in front of them...

collision repair shops...said...wait times jumped to 4 weeks

collision repair shops...said...wait times jumped to 4 weeks

...airlines are boosting training programs to unprecedented levels and trying to attract a younger and more diverse next generation of aviators

Economic activity would be hotter and corporate sales would be more robust if businesses had more workers on staff to address all of the demand

Economic activity would be hotter and corporate sales would be more robust if businesses had more workers on staff to address all of the demand